155 Beach Street
Port Melbourne
Victoria 3207
Port Melbourne
Victoria 3207
Queries on our Training ProgramsIf you like to know more about our Training Programs or would like to be on our Mailing List or would like to discuss your training requirements with us. Email us.
Queries on Employment OpportunitiesIf you have unique relevant training skills or knowledge/experience and would like to be considered to be a GBS consultant or trainer, email your resume to us including a nice picture of yourself and how we can be of mutual benefit . It does not matter where in the world you are. We operate throughout the Asia Pacific rim including Europe.
Queries on our expert knowledge areasWe do not give out our course notes, not even for a fee. But if you have some questions or need some information on specific areas of our expertise, we will be glad to assist, if we can. If you email us, please provide your contact details like a real name and address.